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Frankie Frankk's Cart Chronicles Blog about Sabrett Hot Dogs, Holly Springs, and more


17 Sep, 2024
Holly Springs, NC has been my home for 16 years, and in that time, I’ve come to appreciate everything this town stands for—family, connection, and genuine community. When I started Frankie Frankk’s, I didn’t just want to open another business; I wanted to become a part of the heartbeat of this town. From the start, my goal was to do more than serve great food. I wanted to create something meaningful- a space where people can pause, enjoy a bite, and connect on a personal level. There are plenty of food options in Holly Springs—more than 15 eateries within just a few miles, and yet, I believe there’s still something special about what I offer. Yes, you can grab a quick meal from a drive-thru or sit down at a fantastic downtown restaurant, but at Frankie Frankk’s, I aim to bridge the gap between convenience and human connection. I want my cart to be a place where you can get great food quickly, but also experience a genuine moment of care and conversation. My philosophy is simple Good food, meaningful conversations, and nostalgia can bring people together. I want to create a sense of connection that lingers long after you’ve taken that first bite. In a fast-paced world where transactions are often impersonal, I strive to make every interaction at my cart something more— a small break in your day where someone remembers your name, asks about your family, or chats about your latest adventure. For me, it’s not just about making a living, although I do need to keep my business going. It’s about being a part of your story, about hearing how little Johnny’s first day of school went or hearing about your family’s trip. I hope that when you stop by, you feel that you’re more than just a customer—you’re a neighbor. And in the fast moments of life, sometimes all it takes is a hot dog to bring you back to a simpler time—a taste that reminds you of the streets of New York or brings a touch of nostalgia if you’ve relocated from a bustling city. That’s the experience I want to share: not just food, but memories, connections, and a brief pause in the rush of everyday life. To everyone who has visited Frankie Frankk’s, I want you to know how much I appreciate you. Thank you for welcoming me into your lives and this incredible community. Your support, conversations, and smiles do not go unnoticed. I'm embracing being referred to as "the hot dog guy" when I shop around town, or pass you on my walks at Bass Lake. I look forward to seeing you again, hearing your stories, and continuing this journey together. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Holly Springs. You’ve given me more than I could ever ask for, and I promise to always give back in return. - Frankk with Frankie Frankk's Hot Dog Cart
The logo for frankie frankk 's cart chronicles holly springs nc
17 Sep, 2024
New York City is known for many things, but perhaps one of its most iconic street foods is the hot dog. At Frankie Frankk’s in Holly Springs, NC, we’ve brought that same NYC-style experience right to your backyard. But what makes an NYC-style hot dog so perfect? Here’s the secret. First, it’s all about the dog. We use Sabrett natural casing hot dogs, just like the ones you’ll find on the streets of New York. Sabrett dogs are known for their unique snap when you bite into them, thanks to the natural casing. The texture and flavor are unmatched by any other. Second, the bun is crucial. We only use Martin’s potato rolls, known for their soft, slightly sweet flavor that pairs perfectly with a hot dog. The combination of the Sabrett dog and the Martin’s roll is truly the foundation of the Frankie Frankk's experience. Finally, the toppings. At Frankie Frankk’s, we offer all the classic NYC toppings like chili, onion sauce, and sauerkraut.  Want something a little more adventurous? Try coleslaw or relish to make it your own. The perfect hot dog isn’t just about what goes on top – it’s about starting with quality ingredients.
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